How to water seedlings

Watering the seedlings does seem like an easy task to do, but even I still struggle with watering my seedlings correctly. I tend to overwater my seedlings because I worry that they would dry out. I am still learning what is the best amount of water for my seedlings. Some seedlings are easier to overwater than others. I use to overwater my onion seedlings. When it comes to watering, I guess less and more often is better than too much water at once. 

The soil in which the seedlings grow needs to be moist but not too wet. Never allow the soil to completely dry out. This could stress the seedlings and slow down the growth process. Water the seedlings at least once a day, but keep an eye on them because as they grow in a small amount of the soil they might need watering more often. Always water your seedlings deeply, but do not overwater them. A spray bottle is a good way to water your seedlings without overwatering them. If you are not sure if it is time to water, check the soil with your finger. Stick your finger in the soil and if it feels dry to the touch, it needs watering. Do not let your seedlings sit in water either. If the seedlings are overwatered or left sitting in water their leaves will turn yellow, mold can start to grow on top of the soil, or the roots might start to rot. If not sure if you are watering the seedlings enough, be rather on the dry side than on the wet side. 

Well watered seedlings. Photo by Pantry Stocking Garden
Well watered seedlings. Photo by Pantry Stocking Garden

If you just want to start seeds, care for seedlings and look for some guidance, I invite you to read How to start seeds and care for seedlings. In this article, you will be walked through the steps to start seeds indoors, and outdoors, where to get the seeds, how to choose seed-starting containers, and much, much more. After reading this article, you will enough confidence to start the seeds and care for seedlings. 

How often should I water seedlings?

A general rule of thumb is to water the seedlings once a day. However, the environment and the soil need to be taken into account. If the soil the seedlings grow in drains too fast and does not hold moisture well, the seedlings might need more watering than once a day. Another factor that plays into how often the seedlings need watering is evaporation. If the room the seedlings are kept in is on the dry side, the weather is hot and dry, and the grow lights warm up the soil and evaporate water, the seedlings might need watering more than once a day. Check your seedlings at least once after they have been watered to ensure they are not lacking moisture. As the seedlings grow, their root system expands and the stem and leaves grow in size, they might consume more water. In general, if the top layer of the soil is dry, it can be an indication that the seedlings might need watering. 

Watering is not the only common problem to get right when caring for seedlings. Over the years, I have encountered several common seedling problems. I talk about What are some common seedlings problems and how to solve them, in one of my articles. Click here to learn what you could expect to bump into as you care for seedlings and how to resolve it. 

What is the correct way to water seedlings?

A spray bottle with mist is a good way to water the seedlings without overwatering them. If you find the mist does not deliver enough water or watering takes too long, then use a gentle flow or shower nozzle to water the seedlings. Stop watering when the water starts coming out of the seed tray cells.  

Mist spray watering. Photo by Pantry Stocking Garden
Mist spray watering. Photo by Pantry Stocking Garden

Once your seedlings are well established and have at least 2 sets of true leaves, they might need to be planted outside. Visit my other post, in which I will walk you through When and how to plant a seedling.

Should seedlings be watered from the bottom or top?

Bottom watering is a better method to water the seedlings, but it might be difficult to monitor how much water you should pour into the bottom of the tray. If your water from the bottom, make sure the water reaches all the way to the soil. If for some reason it is not possible or it makes it difficult for some to water the seedlings from the bottom, then water from the top. If possible, water the seedlings at the base of the plant ensuring the water reaches the roots. 

I have my seedlings set on a foldable plastic table. Unfortunately, my table is not completely flat, it is rather a cradle shape as it is bent in the middle. If I water my seedlings from the bottom, all the water would be delivered mostly to the center of the tray and too little water would leave for the seedlings that are on the sides of the tray. The seedlings in the center of the tray would be overwatered and the seedlings on the sides would be underwatered. Therefore, I water my seedlings from the top. I try to reach the base of the plant when watering using either mist spray or gentle flow using a regular plastic water bottle. Whatever method you choose when watering your seedlings, make sure all the seedlings get the right amount. 

Can you overwater seedlings?

Yes, it is easy to overwater the seedlings. If they get too much water the water can stay sitting on the bottom of the tray and the soil might get too wet. The roots might start to rot if the water is not drained.  Always check the bottom of the tray after watering to ensure there is no water left for the seedlings to keep their feet wet. 

What do overwatered seedlings look like?

If the seedlings are overwatered their leaves turn yellow. White or green mold can start to grow on the surface of the soil. The seedlings might grow weaker as the roots start to rot. 

Yellowing seedlings, overwatered. Photo by Pantry Stocking Garden
Yellowing seedlings, overwatered. Photo by Pantry Stocking Garden

Should seedlings always be wet?

Seedlings, nor the soil should ever be wet, but rather moist. If the soil is too wet, they might get overwatered and stressed. Keep the soil moist but not too wet. 

Do seedlings need to dry out?

Never let your seedlings or the soil dry out. Because the seedlings have not established root systems like mature plants, they rely on constant moisture to be provided. If the soil is let completely dry, the seedlings might dry out in no time as there is nowhere to pull the moisture from. The leaves and the root system are still small to keep enough water for the seedlings to get through some dry periods. Seedlings are very sensitive to dry soil and will wilt, droop, or fall over, the even might wither and die completely in a very short period of time, even overnight. If you see the seedlings drooping or wilted, water them immediately. Keep the soil moist and never let it dry out. 

What do you struggle with when watering your seedlings? Or did you find a fail-proof method you use to water your seedlings the exact amount they need? If you do, please do not hesitate to share!


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